The Broken People of the Exodus

This adventure shines a “too revealing” spotlight on the lives of Kalev (Caleb), Hoshe’a (Joshua) and Moshe (Moses). You will relate to the hopes, fears, maladies and maybe even their character flaws. They were simply normal people trying to survive horrendous circumstances. A damaged and broken Hebrew race that the all-powerful Yahweh (God Is) chose to call His own. 

This novel reminds us all, that ordinary people like us can overcome and do miraculous things through God, and for His purposes. 

Inspiring, full of scriptural architecture, the unknowing and woefully unprepared, Kalev blindly charged into a covert world of orphaned children turned to lethal guerrillas. Literally behind enemy lines, the very reluctant General Kalev joined his mother and brother in the seemingly impossible task of rescuing, training, providing for and leading, a partisan army of thousands of orphaned and abused children. And doing it all, right under the noses of one of the most evil empires in history.  

Captivating! This book is the first in the series, True to Yahweh. General: The Story of Kalev: The Son of Hezron, reveals the deplorable and often fatal conditions of a Hebrew slave in Egypt. This biblically based narrative, “puts skin on” the broken people of the Exodus. 

On the same day, all the water in Egypt turned to blood, you’ll be Introduced to the main characters, Kalev (Caleb), Hoshe’a (Joshua) and eventually Kalev’s most hated foe, the ex-prince Moshe (Moses). The novel sheds light on the once, woefully silent God of their forefathers. Dr, Woodward earned a PhD. in Theological studies from Logos University. His keen biblical accuracy, brilliant description, and wonderful character development, offers readers an HD, first person point of view of the wonderous displays of God’s Mighty Hand. 

For those that enjoy novels, but want them to adhere to biblical truth, this novel and series comes highly recommended.

Insightful! This novel is a triumphant look into God’s personable nature, revealing His attributes as our kind, merciful, patient and even hilarious Creator. It also peals back the curtain and reveals another facet of God’s personality– that of a Warrior King, and as the author put’s it, “the quintessential Mother Bear!” Readers will relish in Yahweh’s unique and very personal relationships. This book celebrates The God who created humour. He actually laughs and playfully teasing the ones He’s “especially fond of.”.

Describing what life was like in those ancient days, this book brings to life the lives of Kalev (Caleb), Hoshe’a (Joshua), and their family. Intertwining a fast-paced read that involves an orphan army raised by the brothers and their mother. Triumphs, sorrows, romance and the like, explode into their world as they weigh the humbling and very dangerous possibilities of truly following our Yeshua (deliverer). 

Escaping Pharaoh's armies, only 1/3 of all the Hebrew slaves chose to “blindly trust” their previously silent, and possibly powerless God Yahweh. Eventually, the highly trained orphan Army is joined by thousands of emotionally scarred, and broken Hebrew families as they fearfully, yet bravely gather in the no-man’s land of the bleak Egyptian Desert.

A highly recommended entertaining Biblically based read!

General: The Story of Kalev:
The Son of Hezron 
By: Dr. Paul C. Woodward PhD.Th.
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Come and Learn How To Walking in Intimacy in Jesus

A Must Read Book: The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy presents deep scriptural truths from the book of Revelation 1: 5-7. 

The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy
By: Johan den Hartogh & Ken Gott
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Designed to reflect each scripture verse and meaning - 10 powerful chapters offer an easy-to-read and understand format that consists of prayer, focus on the scripture verse, commentary, reflection notes by a leader in ministry, and your own notes, making the book an interactive journey into Scripture and application. This book is designed to elevate the reader into true intimacy with Christ while knowing Who Christ is in Heaven. 

The Introduction and tools on the “inner room” along with acronym tools such as A.R.K., make this book a discovery journey of how intimacy is fostered through authority, the power of the Holy Spirit, and prayer to facilitate tapping into the deep river of God, knowing Him intimately, and walking in your God-given authority as a Kingdom Priest, forgiven and washed in His Blood to overcome. 

Insights from authors and ministry leaders contribute to this book such as: Lou Engle, John Arnott, Duncan Smith, and many international leaders such as: Sarah Jane Biggart, Wes Hall, Franklyn Spence, Murray Heibert,  Steve Uppal, Dele Olowu, Dean Briggs & Carolyn Jones

Keep in mind this is the revelation from Jesus Christ given to John, his servant, by an angel that was sent to him while exiled on the island of Patmos. John testifies to the things he sees and hears, writing all down in the Word of God for us today. Understanding these truths from Scripture reveals to readers what Jesus has done for those who call upon His name and bring clarity, elevating each seeker to intimacy, authority, and power within the Word of God. 

The insight and knowledge from Scripture, alongside many who have served God as leaders and lovers of God, catapults readers into knowing their authority in Christ, as they drink deep from the river of God to spread the gospel message to others. 

A Must-Read for anyone desiring an intimate walk with Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords!

You may get your copy of The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy at Amazon and in Kindle

Creation - Gospel Basics


“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  (Genesis 1:1)


I can think of many reasons why a Christian should be a Bible-believing creationist and not try to include any form of evolution in his basic thinking. Let me briefly mention several of them:

First, God is omnipotent and omniscient.  To deny his infinite knowledge and ability to create anything for nothing, is to deny His Deity.

Second, evolution is bad science. According to the Institute for Creation Science (ICR), the scientific evidence does not support evolution. Evolution is a non-testable concept and therefore not even a proper scientific theory. It violates the basic laws of science and probability. There is no hint in the fossil record that any basic category of plant or animal has ever changed into any other.

Furthermore, evolution has evil fruits. The failed concepts of racism, fascism, Marxism, imperialism, etc., are all founded on evolutionary principles, as are the original concepts of Freudianism, humanism, abortion, homosexuality, drug use, etc.

The Christian world view is compromised. Are we here as God's stewards of life and the earth, with the ministry of pointing mankind back to Him, or are we the mere products of nature, with only personal satisfaction, survival, and reproduction mattering?

The Christian should also recognize that evolution is bad Scripture. Belief in long-age evolution requires twisting of Scriptural references throughout the Bible.

Because it doesn't match with Scripture, evolution is bad theology. If evolution is true, then death preceded sin and cannot be its penalty, and therefore Christ's death did not pay that penalty. The concept of billions of years of evolutionary meandering and extinction is inconsistent with God's omnipotence, omniscience, loving nature, and even His grace.

Lastly, one's personal relationship to God is related to origins. The Bible teaches us to worship God for His creative majesty. I would have a difficult time in prayer if I didn't believe in creation and wasn't able to praise Him as Creator. Our life's work should be to fulfill God's purpose in creation, for we were created as beings on whom He could shower His love and grace, and respond to Him in reciprocal love and obedient service.

Let us not neglect to acknowledge Him as Creator, Author of Scripture, and Lord and Savior of our words and deeds.

Additional References:  John 1:3, Psalm 104:1-3, Psalm 19:1

Creation - Gospel Basics

Jesus Is A Sure Foundation


For ten years our relationship was horrible. We couldn't stand to look at each other, let alone be around each other. Satan wanted to keep it that way because he knew that God had a ministry for us. He tried for a long time to keep that from happening. God has brought us from a long way together. We went through some dreadful experiences with each other. But to God be the glory. What Satan has tried to stop, we rebuked him in the name of Jesus, and is now able to tell our story and to help someone out. We hope that the experiences and prayers in this book will be a blessing to you. We are ready to be used by God in any way possible. We love God and the people He brings our way. This is not our testimony but God's testimony.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer Journal

Every Generation God Say’s Will Wage A War with Amalek

We are supposed to know the “times and seasons.” To understand the prophetic times and seasons we are living in, we must be on God’s calendar. It will show that we are now entering a season of War and the Tribulation is just a few years away. It is time to repent!

Our calendar is based only on the sun. The Islamic calendar is based only on the moon. God’s calendar is based on both. If we don’t know the seasons, we will be plucking at planting time and planting at plucking time! Every generation God say’s will wage a war with Amalek. This generational war is NOW! The Heavens declare it! We need to recognize it! 

El Shaddai Ministries 

Pre-Deployment Guidebook from a Christian's Perspective - A Must Read Book

Author: Brad D. Nelson PhD - Whether you and your family are experienced deployers or first-timers, deployments are arguably one of the most challenging and unsettling experiences you’ll ever have. As exemplary of a job the military does to prepare servicemembers and their families for both the knowns and the unknowns, only God, who knows the end from the beginning, and the best and safest route for us to take, can bridge the gap between human limitation and the miraculous, from unbridled anxiety to a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Walk with me through this unrestrained guidebook as I share mine and my family’s journey from fear to faith, from skepticism to divine perspective and awe. Suggestions are provided on how to process the announcement, informing loved ones, understanding the cycle of emotions, getting one’s affairs in order, and a host of other invaluable insights. Bottom line up front: Don’t leave home without Christ!

Brad D. Nelson, Ph.D., is from Hillsboro, OH, and is a 2023 Marquis Who's Who Listee and active-duty Air Force officer assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Mr. Nelson is active in his church and community, a "Big Brother" for Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America, and an impassioned advocate for improving the plight of Returning Citizens. His favorite Old Testament scripture is, "The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise" (Proverbs 11:30). Mr. Nelson and his wife (Amanda) call the Dayton, Ohio, area home.

You may get your copy of Pre-Deployment Guidebook from a Christian's Perspective at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at God's Guidance on the Battlefield.